About Me

As well as being a trained counsellor, I am a certified Meditation teacher, a Reiki Master, a SEPH (Static Energy Pattern Healing) practitioner, Counselling Tutor and Breathwork Coach. I am spiritual, intuitive and love being outside in nature as well as having the odd crystal.   Walking my best friend Maddie, allows me to be outside a lot.  I love being outside and connecting with nature, seeing the beauty all around me, calming my mind, relaxing and just BE in the world.  I practice meditation, mindfulness, breathing techniques and yoga which all help me to stay grounded and connected to my body.  I also enjoy cooking, sewing and reading.  I especially love being by the ocean as I feel I can really connect with its energy, it revitalises me and gives me a boost.

Why choose me?

Before training to become an counsellor, I worked in all aspects of the food and hospitality industry.   I saw how the demands of constantly striving to deliver, dealing with the demands of the customer, the company as well as trying to balance work with home life can cause stress and anxiety.  I also know how important it is to practice self care, which means taking time to rest, having a balanced diet, exercise and having the ability to say no when we need to. 

If any of this resonates with you then get in touch, I used to be the one that said 'yes' to everything, as I felt under pressure to deliver.  I can help you to see how important you are, that looking after yourself both body and mind is key to enable you to look after others.

An holistic approach

Working holistically gives us the opportunity to see what is going on in all aspects of your life, see where the imbalances are and how they may be affecting you.  

There are 4 main foundations we need to help keep us in good health both mentally and physically, when one is out of balance it puts more strain onto the others causing an imbalance in our life.  This imbalance can lead us to feel generally unwell and 'out of sorts'.  

The 4 main areas are movement, sleep, nutrition and relaxation.  Having balance in these areas can help both your mind and body to cope more easily with the stresses and strains of everyday life.  

As well as these foundations we will look at what is going on in your environment, what influences you have around you and what effect they may be having on you. 

Looking at the different areas of you and your life gives us a picture of you as a whole person which I believe is important to enable you to start to understand and discover who you are.